What is CO2RenuU?

CO2RenuU is a patented process in which carbon dioxide is administered into the skin surface using a small needle. The body understands the introduction of the CO2 as an oxygen deficit and reacts by increasing blood flow through the creation of new blood vessels. 

The CO2RenuU process absorbs scar tissue and releases it naturally as carbon dioxide, which the body is already designed to do. The benefits of carbon dioxide has been proven to help smooth fine lines and firm skin, stimulate natural hair growth, and help heal injured joints.

Process & Treatment Prep

Our first step is a consultation to ensure CO2RenuU is right for you.

In subsequent visits, you’ll be in our designated CO2RenuU treatment room. The technician takes your blood pressure, as nitric oxide is important in delivering blood to the tissue. All equipment is sterilized for your safety. Areas of injection are cleansed with alcohol pad. No anesthesia is required. The process is seamless, and you’ll be in and out typically within one hour. There is no downtime.

Appointment & Next steps

To make sure you are a good candidate for the treatment, whether hair, beauty, or body…

Call our office to set up a virtual consultation through telehealth, or we can consult with you in person if preferred.

Our office practices safety adhering to current guidelines. Masks must be worn upon entering and exiting the building and should only be removed if needed during treatment. Our staff remains masked at all times. Social distancing in the waiting room is required.

Healing & Regeneration

Safe & Effective Treatment

Pre-Treatment Instruction:
Do not consume any alcohol or caffeinated beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment.

Please arrive with clean hair (no products: gels, hairsprays, etc.).

This treatment may not be for you if you have any of the following: needle phobia, uncontrolled blood pressure, dermatitis, cellulitis, Willebrand’s disorder or hemophilia, other aesthetic procedure for hair growth in the last 30 days.

Other Applications

CO2RenuU…allow us to renew you. Click here to schedule your free consultation, and we’ll help you determine if CO2RenuU is for you.

A woman with short hair